Tuesday 15 October 2024

The Watcher

Every action has a reaction, but for every action and reaction, they need to be observed.

After all, if unobserved particles may or may not exist, in places that cannot be determined, you can't run a universe without someone there to watch every atom to make sure it doesn't vanish suddenly.

So there exists The Watcher, there to observe every atom, every picosecond, to keep them honest.

So, yes, technically you are under observation at all times. But don't worry. They only care about your atoms, they don't give a fuck about you as a person.

Unless you destroy atoms.

Monday 14 October 2024

Self Entity

The Entity showed me the slight, random change in my past that differentiated this other universe to my own, and then the categorically better life that other version of me was living.

After a few moments, it seemed to not get the reaction it was expecting.

"Doesn't that make you mad? Angry at that other, luckier you?"

"Not really."

The Entity seemed taken aback, so I continued.

"Hey, he got the lucky break via a broken leg, more power to him. Why should I be angry?"

The Entity left, looking for another of us both that felt like it did.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Non-Drabble: Absence

Hey, just a quick note, I'll not be posting any Drabbles for a week or so, I'm preparing to run my newest RPG Con game next weekend, so my mental energy is focused on that. Just FYI.

Friday 27 September 2024

Blown Away

The techbro was speaking slightly too fast and loud as he explained his hiring practices.

"And another thing, as I'm talking to them, I have my assistant go out and look at their car and prepare a report for me. Your car totally tells me everything I need to know, is it full of crap? Is it a banged up rust bucket? Then I ain't hiring you."

Something inside my head snapped slightly.

"And I assume no car means?"

"Oh, losers need not apply!"

I thanked him for his time then headed for my helicopter to get away very fast.

Thursday 26 September 2024


What had begun as a friendly discussion turned to a friendly argument, into a less pleasant argument, into almost a full blown raging row.

In an attempt to head it off (and stop the yelling), the bartender suggested we settle it with a pool game.

Both of us seemed to think we were better than the other so we agreed.

It took three hours.

Must have been the booze, but we kept missing seemingly every shot, but eventually, he finally sunk the black ball and won.

I was just glad it was over so I shut up.

But I'm right.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Soylent Operating Systems

After a pleasant meal, something I hadn't had in years, the screen jerked into position slowly. On it, it asked for my preferred option.

'Peaceful, dignified death' was the first option, it was also the largest and it was preselected.

Beneath it was "Attempt to win more time", with a physical and mental option. Both had asterisks that contained the fine print that I knew made them practically impossible to win.

But it seemed like that was my only choice, until I noticed that the screen had a scroll button.

Or, rather, an enter button looking like a scroll button.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Pirate Justice

I had spent far too much on bribes to get here, but finally I was face to face with the most wanted pirate on the nine seas, the Scourge of St Growlen, Greenbeard.

My father.

His beard was now a patchy brown and white, denied his paint, as he looked up at me.

"Ah, my boy. I take it you ain't here to break me free?"


"Good, I'd not accept your help anyway. But are you here to kill me then?"

"In a way. You remember what you called me, last we spoke?"


"The City executes you tomorrow."