Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Framing Tip

If you want to to frame someone in a criminal organisation as being a cop, it can be easier to do so coming in fresh, if the circumstances are right.

If the person you're framing is the new hotness (at least until you came in), is rising up the ranks and is eager to take on more work, if they're playing the helpful rising star, then all you gotta do is fake some evidence an outsider could have, and present it, people's natural suspicion will fill in the blanks.

Of course, sometimes they WILL be cops, which makes it easier.

Monday, 24 February 2025


You know who I feel sorry for? All the monsters and cryptids that dip back and forth in our universe across years, let alone decades.

Not that I'm defending them about killing or eating people, or whatever it is that they're doing, that's bad that they're doing that, obviously.

But think about it, if they're coming back to our world or waking up after a couple decades, let alone centuries, suddenly now they're gonna have to deal with being all over social media when they attack someone. And to be frank, I wouldn't wish viral attention like that on anyone.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

G Bomb

All the Gods and Goddesses and the... Other things that are like them are still at war, as they have been for all time, but it's now a cold war. There's too many mortals who are just powerful enough to cause ab issue, so the entities use Clerics, Warlocks, Touched Ones, and assorted other semi-powerful beings to do their bidding.

This has led to centuries of relative peace and prosperity for the mortals, while the Divine become weaker and in some cases forgotten.

Which unfortunately means some of them are no longer worried about things heating up around the mortals.

Saturday, 22 February 2025


I stared at the screen for several moments, then turned to the scientist.

"So how is this creature going to 'destroy all our enemies' by laying in a tree and eating fruit?"

The scientist finally found his voice.

"I don't... We spent months torturing it, breaking it, it would snarl and attack anyone who came near it!"

I thought it over for a moment.

"And by anyone you mean all your fellow scientists and no-one else?"

"Well, some of your troops too."

"Anyone dressed like our enemies?"


"Great, we just need our enemies to all wear lab coats then."

Friday, 21 February 2025

Better To Know?

So everyone knows that the number floating over your head is the number of days you have left to live. Most people know that this number is displayed as how the person involved thinks of numbers. Hence the party trick of some people to make the number binary or something. And why babies have the haze, since they don't understand numbers. But that goes away eventually.

Except for Bob.

He can count, sure, but he still has a haze.

Until you look closer, and you see it's a number with a million digits.

Least we know there's a space limit?

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Vicious Uncycle

I woke up in the hotel room. Once I recognised that, I sat up, suddenly very awake.

I scrambled to my phone and saw several angry messages from everyone I'd stolen money from to pay for the drunken night of partying I'd just done.

Just as I began to panic, suddenly my ex appeared before me, smiling as she saw my panic.

"Oh, did your Groundhog Day loop end suddenly?"

"You... Why now? Why this cycle?"

"Oh, no, every cycle sees you wake up the next day, as well as go again. Every day, another disaster to see you in..."

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Power Of The Chosen One

The door to the Wizard's tower opened, and the Chosen One limped in, looking bloody but victorious.

As he slumped onto a chair, the Wizard came down and froze when he saw the Chosen One.

"What happened?"

"Oh, this book you said would give me power did nothing, but luckily there was ab uprising brewing in the peasants, and I did sword fighting on weekends back home for LARPs, so I ended the evil King's rule with bloodshed!"

The Wizard tried to work out how to explain that he was supposed to be a great negotiator, but was too scared.