Wednesday 24 October 2018

Red Card

As soon as I opened my apartment door, Lilith strode in and threw herself onto my couch. She never was one for niceties.

"Are you aware of the concept of marriage to secure citizenship?"

I coughed.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Why? You're not getting deported, are you? Surely Canadians are safe?"

For the first time that I could recall, she looked unsure of herself.

"Not exactly... Look, it's complicated, I need your help to stay here, do you trust me?

I nodded, and she waved her hands in an odd pattern, before she suddenly grew wings and her skin turned red, and I was suddenly seeing a lot more of said skin than I had been a minute ago. Her voice was raspy, as if it was somehow on fire.

"Slave, answer me."

"Slave? Lilith, what the hell?"

The only reason her confusion wasn't clear on her face was the fear already there.

"No no no, that had to work, he'll be aware of this in a moment, the only ways that wouldn't work would be anti-spell magic or if you already loved me...

Oh, well, that's convenient."

I don't remember the following meeting, but the thank you I'll never forget.

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